Now available!!
From Chicago Review Press, the first memoir from a Ted Bundy survivor.
In 1978, Kathy Kleiner Rubin was sleeping in her bed at the Chi Omega sorority house at Florida State University as Ted Bundy stalked nearby. He grabbed an oak log from a stack of firewood and slipped through an unlocked door. He brutally beat and strangled two of Kathy’s sorority sisters. Then, he realized Kathy’s bedroom door was open.
Kathy remembers the attack and the aftermath vividly. She later testified against Bundy at the trial that issued his death sentence.
Bundy was not Kathy’s first brush with death. Born into a Cuban-American family in 1957, she developed lupus at the age of 12 and went into organ failure. Physicians told Kathy’s parents to make her as comfortable as possible and prepare themselves to lose their daughter. A young physician from Cuba suggested an experimental treatment she had seen successfully used on lupus patients in Cuba — chemotherapy.
Kathy is a serial survivor. She’s survived lupus, Ted Bundy, and early-onset breast cancer. She tells her story to inspire others who are experiencing their own hardships.
Kathy takes readers into the room where she was attacked, the courtroom where she testified against him, and then into the hours before his execution. In telling her story, Kathy hopes to shine a light on the many victims who were not able to tell their own.